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Monday, July 9, 2012

Writing because I love it

So I started writing many many years ago. Nothing serious, just little poetic lines in a large green book I have. Normally I wrote when I felt emotion, normally from heart breaks!
I love to write and jot down little thoughts.

Since then I have started my company Piggy Wiggies. I love kids and feel like a big kid myself! I thank my Dad and family for this. I really loved my childhood and loved being outside with my Dad helping him in the garden and playing games.. I am not saying there were not any hard days but I only have GREAT memories of when I was a kiddlewink!

My dad used to make up the most wonderful bedtime stories. They were filled with magic and little creatures he just made up on the spot. 

I did not do very well at school, and I am dyslexic. My Mum still checks my spelling and grammar if I ask her to. But I don't let that stop me. All is takes is an imagination and some magic. There are editors who can do that job! These images attached are just 3 of the books I have written I have some great other titles. 

I am currently sending them to Literary agents so fingers crossed. If all fails, there is always the self publishing route which is becoming more and more popular these days...... As soon as these books are online I will let you all know.. Thanks for following and thanks for believing in me......

This blog contains information that is privileged and confidential. This blog contains Copyrighted materials belonging to Emma Louise, Any attempts to misappropriate intellectual property belonging to Piggy Wiggies® or Emma Louise will be prosecuted to the furthest extent permitted by law.

Copyright (C) Emma Williams 2010 
Patent Pending All Rights Reserved